
Selección Oficial Film is not dead / Programa 2

Full Synopsis

The Experience For You


Sarah Seené (Canadá-2019) 2 min.



Lia Wang (EUA-2020) 3 min.



Gary Hankins (EUA-2019) 3 min.


Flores Dentro

Catalina Loret (México-2020) 4 min.


El Callejón del Beso

Ezequiel Reyes (México-2020) 5 min.


We should have a smoke

David Iglesias Romero (Panamá-2019) 8 min.


y un gato de porcelana

Juana Robles (Irlanda-2020) 5 min.



Juan Lorenzo Loureiro (España-2020) 10 min.


Preludio (a la siesta del Fauno y la Bacante)

Martín Baus (Chile-2020) 13 min.


Io ci sono ancora

Gianluca Salluzzo (Italia-2017) 15 min.

Film(s) To Be Screened


Lumen (meaning ''light'' in Latin) is a sensory film shot on Super-8 that portrays a young girl with oculocutaneous albinism. Despite the hypersensitivity caused by this genetic disease, the depigmentation of her skin and eyes gives her an extraordinary aura.

ULTRAcinema 2020

Del 13 al 22 de noviembre en línea desde Tepic, Nayarit

November 13th to 22nd, Online from Tepic, Nayarit

Callejón del Beso

En la ciudad de Guanajuato, México; hay un callejón llamado: "El callejón del beso", los besos son demostraciones de los diversos tipos de amor: filial, fraternal, romántico. En estos tiempos de pandemia mundial (2020) cuando no podemos besarnos, con nuestros familiares o parejas, los besos son actos extraordinarios. "El callejón del beso" es un corto que recorre, cuerpos, tiempos y lugares de México, para mostrar los besos del pasado, registrados en filmaciones caseras (y algunas filmaciones personales) de familias mexicanas.

Io ci sono ancora

In eleven static long takes, this is the story of a man who refuses to adapt to the digital revolution withdrawing into the ruins of a movie theater. Humanity has found a way todematerialize itself believing this is a way to escape from time and death. The nostalgic protagonist, however, does not accept the present. He decides to retain his own body, relegating himself to a life of solitude. Living in that place, the man struggles to remember a world that is about to end. Ruins, as well as the building site, are interior landscapes. Ruins are the sign of the slowness of time. The building site is a place of expectation where the presence of a lost past and the uncertainty of what can happen occurs. In the movie, the super 8 film and the story told are merged into a single identity, both trying to assert their presence and trying to prolong their own existence.

Preludio (a la siesta del Fauno y la Bacante)

«That I cut reeds defeated in the fight for talent; to the glaucous gold of distant vegetables consecrating his vineyard to the fountains: An animal whiteness flutters in the siesta: and to the slow prelude that the party is born, flight of swans, no! naiads, dodge or dive ... »Arrangement of Debussy's "Prelude a l'apres midi d'un faune" for 8mm and super 8mm proyector, using manually cropped 35mm found footage and live synch sound.

Ci Dovremo Fumare Una Sigaretta

Sometimes sharing a cigarette can lead to an opportunity to get to know even the most intimate things in some people. It makes it easy to light up a conversation with anybody from around the world and talk about the most mundane topics to philosophy and poetry


An island, a womand and a presence, a phantom who follows her. This phantom could be me, the camera, cinema itself. But both the womand and the island could also be ghosts....


A young, visually impaired woman — accompanied only by her guide dog — sits in a café, reading a novel as she waits for the next bus. Suddenly, a pay phone begins to ring loudly outside. Led by her trusty friend, the young woman then experiences something that can only be described as magical.

Flores dentro

Two women searching for “perfect beauty” realize that their biggest fight is not against each other. Flores Dentro is a visual journey on how beauty standards imposed on women have blinded them from the power that lies within.

and a porcelain cat

Walking through the ruined streets and houses of Belchite and Corbera d’Ebre is like revisiting the summer of 1937 and 1938, when German aviation and Franco's artillery devastated the towns. Today the old towns are a silent witness to the violence and the brutal consequences of Spanish Civil War.


Hawthorne imagines a ritual of two figures who exist on a fine line of the concrete and the unseen. Hawthorne intersects a physical existence and sub-reality through the celluloid manipulation of space, memory and sensory systems to explore spaces cloaked within the familiar. Shot, edited and finished on 16mm.

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Viewing Time

  • November 19, 2020, 2:00 pm CST

  • Event is over, tickets no longer available.

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