
Selección Oficial Experimental / Programa 1

Full Synopsis

The Experience For You


Claire Kinnen (EUA-2019) 1 min.


Between the Eyes 2

Heehyun Choi (EUA-2019) 3 min.


Sobre el cerro Lechuza

Paolo Tizon (Perú-2020) 3 min.


Ljungba.mp4 (Anonymous Hʌcker)

Hugo Ljungbäck (EUA-2019) 4 min.


Transmitting and Receiving

Dee Hood (EUA-2019) 4 min.


Fortuna Absentis

Valeria Vicente (México-2019) 5 min.



Marcos Bonisson y Khalil Charif (Brasil-2016) 6 min.



Sandra Pulido (Colombia-2019) 7 min.


Pedestrian Flow Zone

Gregg Biermann (EUA-2020) 7 min.



Juana Robles (Irlanda-2020) 9 min.



Eleanor Suess (Reino Unido-2017) 10 min.

Film(s) To Be Screened

Pedestrian Flow Zone

My first foray into what I would call cartoon-ish imagery is an animated (rotoscoped) walk through New York's Times Square during the Christmas Holiday, and more specifically during an event called SantaCon. The original footage was recorded in 360 degree videography. This material is paired with my original composition "Reasons for Living" that makes use of synthesized choral music. Previewers please note that this is a 4K video and the film freeway version is heavily compressed and is at 720p resolution. It has artifacts that are not in the original.

Fortuna Absentis

The right hand and luck are entangled in a hunt for image and point, word and melancholy; Missing, on the right hand after what chance left.The images that are used as base consist of random searches with the Google engine "I'm feeling lucky" and the quality that gives me the same finding new images that Google chromecast presents to me without leaving aside my predilection for certain topics , color palettes and what I have captured with and the movements of my right hand after it got fractured and that does not hesitate to show its clumsiness.

ULTRAcinema 2020

Del 13 al 22 de noviembre en línea desde Tepic, Nayarit

November 13th to 22nd, Online from Tepic, Nayarit


The film draws out the uncanny nature of the experience of passing another train on parallel tracks at night, where the windows into the space of that other carriage are pools of light in a black void, offering portals into another world. Image and sound are slowed to 10% of “real” time (a temporal scale of 10:1), preserving and amplifying the uncanny quality of the fleeting experience. The soundtrack to that “other” space, is produced from the space of the carriage from which the camera, filmmaker, and viewer are located – snippets of conversation, rattles of the train, and automated announcements become an abstract roar. Without any provided narrative structure the half-formed images of the inhabitants of that other carriage take on their own narrative interpretation, and then are lost, into the night.

Transmitting and Receiving

There must be something beyond this physical world, Sometimes I can feel energy around me, or I hear a familiar frequency. I want to connect to the vibrations that lead to other worlds.


Tras retornar después de muchos años al cementerio donde yace mi abuelo, encontré que su nombre, su fecha y su epitafio habían sido borrados. La tumba estaba abandonada y esto lo dejó en riesgo de ser exhumado, empacado en una bolsa y arrojado a una fosa común, mezclándose y perdiéndose con otros despojos humanos. La necesidad de proteger sus restos fue una excusa para encontrarme con él y revivir su memoria. Esta obra aborda los procesos que acontecen en el cuerpo después de la muerte. El cuerpo y los recuerdos del muerto son proclives a desvanecerse, pero es el sepulcro el que cumple una función de unidad y no permite que estos se dispersen. Memorial es un video ensayo que registra la relación entre vivos y muertos a través de la sepultura.La experiencia de hallar sus restos me hizo tomar consciencia sobre la apropiación de un cuerpo, en la medida en que soy yo, la que lo cargo de un significado, le proporciono un destino y le doy una connotación sagrada a través del ritual funerario.


Catching up with a lost friend in the Reithalle in Berne for a hunt on the lights and enjoyments of long past late summer nights.

Sobre el cerro Lechuza

¿Cómo podemos acercarnos a un misterioso geoglifo con 2500 años de antigüedad en el desierto peruano? ¿Nos está hablando? Este cortometraje aborda estas inquietudes a través de la contemplación del paisaje y los dibujos. En el medio, un conflicto en la comprensión aparece, y la película propone un camino de reflexión a través de textos poéticos proyectados sobre el desierto peruano.


This moving image work is an assembly of Super 8 footage filmed in many different places in Brazil during the 70’s. It’s a reflection about the idea of Tupi, the great native nation of inhabitants who lived in this vast solar territory, before the white men arrived – the Tupis-Guaranis called it Pindorama (land of the palm trees). The film work elaborates a non-linear narrative with a collage of “antropofagic images”, presenting the body and space as topology of desires, dreams and a convulsive social device of changes – “Tupi or not to Be“ (José Celso Martinez / Oswald de Andrade), experimenting the choice in life, and language of the essential, instead of the accessory.

Between the Eyes 2

A mass of space continuously emerges between the squared gazes. The gazes around a camera, each pointing at different directions, instantly create worlds of various dimensions. This video attempts to twist the linear connection between those worlds.


Noche is a short poem film written and created by Claire Kinnen and recited by the Spanish artist, Maria Flores Galindo. It was shot on Super 8 film in New York’s North Country

Ljungba.mp4 (Anonymous Hʌcker)

An anonymous hacker threatens to release an embarrassing video recorded through the clueless artist's webcam.

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Screening Location

Online Screening

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Viewing Time

  • November 19, 2020, 4:00 pm CST

  • Event is over, tickets no longer available.

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